New Delhi: Siddique Kappan, a journalist from Kerala, was granted bail by the Supreme Court on Friday. He had been detained by the Uttar Pradesh government while en route to Hathras to report on the gangrape and murder of a Dalit girl in October 2020 and had been charged with violating the strict Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA).
The SC ruled that Kappan might remain in Delhi for six weeks while registering his presence at a neighbourhood police station before moving to his native Kerala, where he would have to report to the police.
SC grants bail to Siddique Kappan, arrested in 2020 on his way to Hathras where Dalit woman had died
— Press Trust of India (@PTI_News) September 9, 2022
Kappan’s wife Raihana expressed her satisfaction with the decision to the media in Delhi in response to the SC ruling. “I express my gratitude towards the Supreme Court. He is innocent and has been lodged in jail for the last two years. Now, the Supreme Court has realised the hollowness of the case against him.”