A massive fire at a firecracker manufacturing Godown in Salem, Tamil Nadu on Wednesday, claimed one life and left four people injured. The blast occurred in the morning when the workers were transferring raw materials from a vehicle to the production unit, news agency ANI reported.
According to the police, the deadly explosion was triggered by a spark that ignited the materials. The victims were immediately rushed to the hospital and an investigation into the matter is underway.
VIDEO | Tamil Nadu: A fire broke out at a firecracker godown in Salem earlier today. Injured were rushed to hospital. More details awaited.
(Full video available on PTI Videos – https://t.co/dv5TRARJn4) pic.twitter.com/o4Ox3T5YwE
— Press Trust of India (@PTI_News) September 4, 2024
Fire Erupts In Crackers Godown In Andhra Pradesh
A tragic fire accident also took place in a firecracker godown in Nellore district in Andhra Pradesh on Wednesday. The fire claimed the life of a watchman while destroying the storage warehouse. The firefighters reached the spot and took swift action to control the blaze, stopping additional damage. Officials are currently investigating the cause behind the massive blaze.
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