Mumbai: Former Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray Friday won a significant battle against the Eknath Shinde-led Shiv Sena faction. The Bombay High Court allowed the Thackeray group of Shiv Sena to organise a Dussehra rally at iconic Shivaji Park in Mumbai.
The HC also turned down the request of Shiv Sena’s Shinde faction who pleaded that no decision should be given on the matter until the dispute over party’s claim ends.
Earlier, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) had denied the permission to both sections of Shiv Sena to organise rally at Shivaji Park. The Mumbai’s civic body feared violation of law and order if granted permission to any of the group.
BMC’s response came after the Mumbai police raised concerns over state’s peace in the matter.
Unacceptable to the Thackeray’s Shiv Sena group, a petition was filed that challenged BMC’s decision. During that time, the Shinde faction had also made an intervention plea.
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The Dusshera rally is an important event for the entire Shiv Sena as the party has been holding the procession since 1996 at Shivaji Park.
This year, holding the rally is rather complicated due to a divide in party as Eknath Shinde parted ways with Uddhav Thackeray.
Tables were turned in Maharashtra when incumbent Eknath Shinde staked claim to have more Shivseniks on his side than then CM Uddhav Thackeray.
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