Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Tejasvi Surya is reported to be planning to marry Sivasri Skandaprasad, a well-known classical singer from Chennai, Tamil Nadu. While the couple has not officially confirmed the news, reports indicate that the wedding is expected to take place in Bengaluru in the next few months. However, this news has raised excitement about the would-be bride on the internet.
As per reports, the wedding is scheduled for March 4, 2025 in Bengaluru.
Who Is Sivasri Skandaprasad?
Sivasri Skandaprasad is an artist and quite famous classical figure of South India. She is a Carnatic singer and skilled Bharatnatyam dancer. Apart from being a multi-talented artist, Sivasri holds impressive academic background. She holds a Graduate degree in Bio-engineering from SASTRA University in Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu. Along with that, Sivasri also has a Masters degree in Bharatanatyam from University of Madras, and in Sanskrit from The Madras Sanskrit College. She is trained in Classical Carnatic Music under Guru Sri A. S. Murali. She has also lent her voice to various TV commercials.
Sivasri is the founder of Ahuti. She is active on social media and has over 127k followers on Instagram. She also has YouTube channel with more than 2 lakh followers. She gained widespread recognition for lending her voice to the Kannada version of the popular film Ponniyin Selvan: Part 1.
Sivasri also performs at various musical events and holds concerts for her audience. She recently performed at JAAP, a musical event in Delhi.
She likes cycling, trekking, traveling and outdoor activities as mentioned in her posts.
PM Modi Praises Sivasri
Prime Minister Narendra Modi had even praised Sivasri for Bhajan video of Prabhu Shri Ram sung by her in Kannada. He wrote in appreciation, “This rendition by Sivasri Skandaprasad in Kannada beautifully highlights the spirit of devotion to Prabhu Shri Ram. Such efforts go a long way in preserving our rich cultural heritage.”
This rendition by Sivasri Skandaprasad in Kannada beautifully highlights the spirit of devotion to Prabhu Shri Ram. Such efforts go a long way in preserving our rich cultural heritage. #ShriRamBhajan
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) January 16, 2024
Meanwhile, Tejasvi Surya is an advocate, National President of BJP Yuva Morcha and MP for Bengaluru South Lok Sabha Constituency.
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