Agra: In a viral video surfaced over the internet, a scooty-rider girl was chased by five men who tried to pin her down. Police has made two quick arrests in connection to the case. The five men were captured riding two vehicles and publicly harassing the girl.
Agra Police announced the arrest of two men on August 19 after the viral video ignited widespread outrage from social media users. In the video clip, several bike-riding men were seen stalking and harassing a young lady on a scooter. Additionally, the police seized one of the bikes seen in the video. The footage shared widely on X, depicts a woman riding a scooter being chased by approximately five men. The three men on a scooter and two on a bike attempted to block the woman from both sides several times.
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Despite the chase, she appeared to be calm and unresponsive to the aggressive pursuit. One of the men even placed his foot on the rear of her scooter. The disturbing incident was witnessed by the public present at the busy road. The shocking occurrence quickly alarmed the police and welcomed prompt action.
The location of the incident and the busy road shown in the video was initially unclear but was later identified when Police Commissionerate Agra announced two arrests in the case.
स्कूटी सवार युवती का पीछा कर परेशान करने से सम्बन्धित वायरल वीडियो का त्वरित संज्ञान लेकर #थाना_छत्ता की एन्टी रोमियो टीम द्वारा तत्काल अभियोग पंजीकृत कर 02 अभियुक्तों को किया गिरफ्तार एवं कब्जे से मोटर साइकिल बरामद।#UPPolice
— POLICE COMMISSIONERATE AGRA (@agrapolice) August 19, 2024
The harassment with the woman rider in Agra comes in light of recent rape and murder incident of a Kolkata doctor at RG Kar Medical College and several other such crimes happening against women across the country.
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