Early on Friday in Bihar’s capital Patna, authorities recovered the dead body of an innocent child from a drain. The body was identified as Ayush Kumar, son of Shailendra Kumar, aged around four years. The child had been missing since the previous Thursday evening (May 16). The discovery of the body caused a commotion, leading to an angry mob setting fire to the school. Reports indicate that the drain where the body was found is located within the school premises. It is reported that the student’s body was discovered in the school uniform, submerged in the drain.
#WATCH | Patna SP Chandra Prakash says, “…In the CCTV we saw that the child was entering the school but at no point, he can be seen leaving the school premises… We will investigate it as a murder case as they were hiding the body and it shows criminal intent. We have detained… https://t.co/BSA5EF4yo9 pic.twitter.com/UzEMBkfp9s
---Advertisement---— ANI (@ANI) May 17, 2024
A massive crowd has gathered at the location, and the police have also arrived. People are blocking the road and setting fires. The child had been missing since yesterday, and efforts were underway to locate him. The student, aged four, was reported missing. Following the discovery of the student’s body, disturbances erupted, with antisocial elements causing chaos amidst the angry crowd.
Patna SP Chandra Prakash stated, “After reviewing the CCTV footage, we observed that the child entered the school, but there is no evidence of him leaving the premises. We will treat this as a murder case due to the concealment of the body, indicating criminal intent. Three individuals have been detained, and the investigation is ongoing.”
#WATCH | Patna SP Chandra Prakash says, “…In the CCTV we saw that the child was entering the school but at no point, he can be seen leaving the school premises… We will investigate it as a murder case as they were hiding the body and it shows criminal intent. We have detained… https://t.co/BSA5EF4yo9 pic.twitter.com/UzEMBkfp9s
— ANI (@ANI) May 17, 2024
Patna Danapur Road has been blocked, and arson has been committed. Additionally, Digha Ashiana Road has been barricaded. Several school buses have been halted. The enraged mob also set fire to the school attended by the child. The police team has also reached the scene.
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