Indian Railways takes special care of the comfort and convenience of railway passengers. In this series of decisions, the railways have made a significant announcement for the travelers in Bihar. Considering the additional crowd of passengers, the railway has decided to operate special trains from Patna and Ara to Anand Vihar, from Saharsa to Ambala Cantt, and from Muzaffarpur to Pune and Secunderabad. Let’s explore the details of these trains.
Train number 02351
The Patna-Anand Vihar Superfast Special, is scheduled to run from Patna to Anand Vihar on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays between December 17th and 31st. Departing from Patna at 4:00 PM, it will arrive at Anand Vihar at 6:00 AM the following day. On the return journey, train number 02352, the Anand Vihar-Patna Superfast Special, will operate from Anand Vihar to Patna on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from December 18th to January 1st. It will depart from Anand Vihar at 8:00 AM and reach Patna on the same day at 9:55 PM.
Train number 03227
The Ara-Anand Vihar Superfast Special, is scheduled to operate from Ara to Anand Vihar on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays between December 18 and 29. Departing from Ara at 3:45 PM, it will reach Anand Vihar at 7:15 AM the following day. On the return journey, train number 03228, the Anand Vihar-Ara Express Special, will run from Anand Vihar to Ara on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from December 19 to 30. It will depart from Anand Vihar at 9:30 AM and reach Ara at 4:00 AM the next day. This special train will have 11 coaches in the sleeper class and 11 coaches in the general class.
Train number 05565
The Saharsa-Ambala Cantt Express Special, will depart from Saharsa at 7:30 PM on December 21 and 28, reaching Ambala Cantt at 11:15 PM the following day. On the return journey, train number 05566, the Ambala Cantt-Saharsa Express Special, is scheduled to depart from Ambala Cantt at 3:40 AM on December 23 and 30, reaching Saharsa at 9:45 AM the next day. This special train will consist of 21 coaches in the general class.