Bhopal-Delhi Vande Bharat Express Fire: In a shocking news, Vande Bharat train on Monday caught fire on Monday morning. All the passengers are safe and no injury has been reported, according to sources.
The incident took place around 8 am at a Kyrwai Kethira Station in Madhya Pradesh. The train left Bhopal station at 5.40 am and reached at Delhi’s Hazrat Nizamuddin Station around 1.10 pm.
वंदे भारत एक्सप्रेस में लगी आग, भोपाल से दिल्ली जा रही थी ट्रेन
◆ घटना में कोई नुक़सान नहीं, सभी यात्री सुरक्षित#VandeBharatExpress | Vande Bharat Express
— News24 (@news24tvchannel) July 17, 2023
Vedios from the spot showed smoke coming out near the wheels of the train. A fire brigade doused the flames swiftly and conducted thorough examination. According to the officals, the battery box of the train caught fire on its way to National Capital.
Earlier, Vande bharat hit the headline for running over cattle. It is noted that over 68 cases of hitting animals have been reported till date from December last year. The stones were also pelted over the train for many different reasons