The Bhojpuri actor, who was included in the BJP’s initial list of 195 candidates, conveyed in a social media post on X, “I express my heartfelt gratitude to the top leadership of Bharatiya Janata Party. The party trusted me and declared me the candidate from Asansol but due to some personal reason, I will not be able to contest the election from Asansol.”
However, there has been no official information yet regarding where and from which constituency Pawan Singh will contest the elections. Singh had initially withdrawn from the Lok Sabha poll contest after the Trinamool Congress accused the BJP, alleging that several songs sung by the Bhojpuri star contained ‘lewd and uncivilized’ remarks about Bengali women.
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The Lok Sabha constituency is presently represented by veteran actor and politician Shatrughan Sinha of the Trinamool Congress.
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