Union Home Minister Amit Shah launched the Bharatpol portal on Tuesday, a groundbreaking digital platform created by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to enhance cooperation among Indian law enforcement agencies and international counterparts. This initiative aims to tackle the growing challenges of transnational crime, including cybercrime, drug trafficking, and human trafficking.
Know How Bharatpol Works
Bharatpol serves as a centralized hub where police forces from various states and Union Territories can quickly share information and request assistance from Interpol. Unlike previous systems that relied on slow manual communication, Bharatpol allows for real-time information sharing, significantly speeding up responses to criminal activities. This means that when a fugitive is identified, law enforcement can rapidly connect with Interpol to issue alerts and gather intelligence.
The Portal Includes Several Key Features Designed To Streamline Operations:
Real-time Assistance: Enables immediate communication between Indian agencies and Interpol.
Centralized Requests: Processes international criminal investigation requests efficiently.
Enhanced Coordination: Fosters collaboration among central, state, and local police forces.
Digital Notices: Simplifies the issuance of Red Notices for tracking fugitives.
Benefits For Investigating Agencies
Bharatpol is set to revolutionize how Indian law enforcement tackles crime. By allowing all police agencies access to Interpol’s resources, it empowers them to act swiftly against criminals who may have fled abroad. The platform not only enhances operational efficiency but also strengthens India’s global crime-fighting capabilities.
Amit Shah emphasized that Bharatpol marks a new era for international investigations in India. He stated, “With the help of Bharatpol, police will be able to connect easily with Interpol and speed up investigations.” This initiative reflects the government’s commitment to modernizing law enforcement in response to evolving global challenges.
In summary, Bharatpol is a vital tool that will help various investigating agencies in India respond more effectively to international crime, ensuring that justice is served swiftly and efficiently.
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