Residents of Bengaluru will witness an extraordinary celestial occurrence on Wednesday, April 24, as their shadows vanish completely. Dubbed Zero Shadow Day, this phenomenon will unfold across locations sharing the same latitude as Bengaluru, India, and will take place from 12:17 PM to 12:23 PM throughout the city.
ZERO SHADOW DAY: On 24/04/2024, the Sun will be directly over Bangalore (Zenith). This means at noon, 12:17PM there will be Zero Shadow. Make a Vertical reference such as a pole, at 12:17PM when the Sun is overhead there will be no shadow of the reference pole on the ground. 1/2
---Advertisement---— ASSOCIATION OF BANGALORE AMATEUR ASTRONOMERS(ABAA) (@abaaonline) April 23, 2024
Zero Shadow Day emerges twice annually when the sun aligns directly overhead, causing objects to cast no shadows at noon. This phenomenon predominantly manifests in regions near the equator, where the sun’s angle approaches perpendicularity to the Earth’s surface.
What Constitutes Zero Shadow Day?
As per the Astronomical Society of India (ASI), Zero Shadow Day transpires twice yearly within the latitudinal range of +23.5 and -23.5 degrees. During this period, the sun hovers nearly directly overhead at noon but deviates slightly in altitude, either northward or southward, resulting in the absence of shadows on the Earth’s surface.
For denizens residing within these specific latitudes, the sun’s declination aligns precisely with their latitude twice a year – once during Uttarayan and again during Dakshinayan. On these occasions, the sun remains directly overhead, casting no shadows of objects on the Earth.
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Frequently Asked Questions about Zero Shadow Day
What is the Zero Shadow Day phenomenon?
Zero Shadow Day (ZSD) denotes a phenomenon occurring twice annually within regions situated between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. During this period, there is a brief interval when the sun directly aligns overhead, resulting in the absence of shadows cast by objects.
What causes Zero Shadow Day to occur?
The tilt of the Earth’s axis and the sun’s apparent movement throughout the year precipitate this phenomenon. Twice annually, the sun reaches a position directly overhead at specific latitudes, causing its rays to strike the ground at a 90-degree angle, momentarily eliminating shadows.
Where can one observe Zero Shadow Day?
Zero Shadow Day can only be experienced in locations situated between the Tropic of Cancer (approximately 23.5 degrees north) and the Tropic of Capricorn (about 23.5 degrees south).
When does Zero Shadow Day take place?
ZSD transpires twice annually, coinciding with the periods surrounding the summer and winter solstices. The precise dates may vary slightly depending on the specific geographical location.
What is the duration of Zero Shadow Day?
The period devoid of shadows is exceedingly brief, typically lasting only a few minutes or even seconds. Nevertheless, the effect may be discernible for a slightly extended duration.
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Is there any significance to Zero Shadow Day?
Beyond serving as a captivating celestial event, Zero Shadow Day can be utilized to verify the sun’s position and calibrate astronomical instruments.
Are there any safety precautions for Zero Shadow Day?
Zero Shadow Day itself does not pose any safety hazards. However, direct exposure to the sun can cause eye damage, necessitating precautions against looking directly at the sun during this event or at any other time.