On Thursday, the Karnataka government ordered the closure of a mall in Bengaluru for seven days following an incident where a farmer was reportedly denied entry due to wearing a ‘dhoti’ and a white shirt. This incident sparked widespread condemnation from members of the Legislative Assembly across various political parties.
G.T. Mall is situated on Magadi Main Road in Bengaluru. The Karnataka government strongly condemned the alleged insult to the farmer, describing it as a clear violation of dignity and self-respect that cannot be tolerated.
🚨 A farmer from a village near Bengaluru visited a mall to watch a movie with his son but was denied entry because of his attire. 🙏 pic.twitter.com/7aZjNEa6wB
— Indian Tech & Infra (@IndianTechGuide) July 18, 2024
Urban Development Minister Byrathi Suresh informed the House that he consulted with the BBMP commissioner regarding potential actions. He asserted that the government possesses the necessary authority, and immediate legal actions will be taken against the G.T. World mall. He emphasized that the mall would be closed for seven days.
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Social Welfare Minister H C Mahadevappa condemned the incident, highlighting the importance of self-respect and dignity for every individual. He assured that the government would take appropriate action.
The incident occurred on Tuesday when Fakeerappa, visited the mall with his wife and son to watch a movie at a multiplex. He donned a white shirt and ‘panche’ (dhoti). According to reports, a security staff member at the mall informed him and his son that entry in a ‘panche’ was not allowed and asked him to wear trousers instead.
Earlier, Assembly Speaker U T Khader had raised the issue in the Legislative Assembly, urging the government to take decisive action.
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