The Ram Temple Trust on Tuesday urged local and nearby people to defer their visit to Ram temple amid a huge rush of Maha Kumbh devotees who are reaching the temple town from Prayagraj after taking holy dip. General Secretary of Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra, Champat Rai, said Ayodhya’s size is insufficient to accommodate such a large crowd, as around 10 crore devotees are expected to take a holy dip at Sangam in Prayagraj on January 29 following ‘Mauni Amavasya’. Afterward, many of them are likely to head for Ayodhya.
In his appeal, Champat Rai said, “It is estimated that 10 crore people will take dip in Prayagraj on January 29. A large number of devotees are reaching Ayodhya from Prayagraj. There has been an unprecedented increase in the number of visitors to Ayodhya for the last three days. Looking at the population and size of Ayodhya Dham, it can be said that it is very difficult to provide darshan of Ramlala to such a large number of devotees in one day and it is causing trouble to the devotees.”
“As a result, to prevent any kind of untoward incident, devotees have to walk more. Hence, it is requested that the devotees from the nearby areas should visit Ayodhya for darshan after 15-20 days so that the devotees coming from far away can easily have darshan of Ramlala. This will be convenient for everyone. There will be a lot of relief in February after Basant Panchami. The weather will also be good,” he added.
Meanwhile, in response to the surge in devotees, authorities have tightened security measures. Special arrangements have been made to accommodate the growing crowd, including expanding capacity and ensuring devotees’ safety during the cold weather.
Earlier, Ayodhya Commissioner Gaurav Dayal announced that special arrangements are being made to manage the large number of devotees visiting the Ram Janmbhoomi temple. Dayal said that large crowds are expected after the Amrit Snan on Mauni Amavasya on January 29.