New Delhi: In a recent development in Ankita Bhandari murder case, former employees of the Uttarakhand resort owned by Pulkit Arya, son of expelled Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader, has alleged that the trading drugs and prostitution was frequent in the hotel.
A former receptionist Rishita had alleged that drugs of various kind and even girls used to be served to the guest.
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“I joined Vanantara resort, Rishikesh in May but left job there in July. Ankit Gupta (accused) and Pulkit Arya (main accused) misbehaved and verbally abused girls. They used to bring girls, VIPs came there too,” alleged the former employee.
A former receptionist Rishita had alleged that drugs of various kind and even girls used to be served to the guest.
The big revelations came after a 19-year-old girl Ankita Bhandari was killed allegedly by Pulkit Arya and two of his staff member on refusing to be a part of the prostitution. Ankita was killed in Vanantra, near Rishikesh, in Pauri district.
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