An NRI father, Anjaneya Prasad, has confessed to murdering a man he accused of molesting his 12-year-old daughter after allegedly facing police inaction. The incident unfolded in Andhra Pradesh, where Prasad flew from Kuwait to his native village near Obulavaripalli, arriving on December 7. He is said to have killed P Anjaneyulu, a 59-year-old relative, by attacking him with an iron rod while he was sleeping outside his home.
In a video released shortly after the murder, Prasad explained his actions, stating that he and his wife had left their daughter in the care of relatives while they worked abroad. He alleged that Anjaneyulu had molested his daughter during this time. According to Prasad, when his daughter attempted to resist the assault, Anjaneyulu tried to silence her but was interrupted by her aunt, who rushed to help.
Prasad claimed that after learning of the incident, he and his wife approached the local police to file a complaint. However, he alleged that the police merely reprimanded Anjaneyulu and did not take further action. Frustrated by what he described as a lack of justice, Prasad felt compelled to take matters into his own hands. He expressed remorse for not wanting to resort to violence but felt it was necessary given the circumstances.
Following the murder, Prasad returned to Kuwait and posted the confession video online, stating his willingness to surrender to authorities. However, local police have since registered a murder case against him and are actively searching for his arrest. Police officials have refuted Prasad’s claims about their inaction, suggesting that family disputes may have influenced the events leading up to the crime.
The case has raised significant concerns regarding the handling of sexual abuse allegations and the responsibilities of law enforcement in protecting vulnerable individuals. As investigations continue, authorities are examining both the circumstances surrounding the alleged molestation and the subsequent actions taken by the police.