New Delhi: The Kerala police on Monday booked cases against more than 3,000 people in connection with violent clashes on Sunday night during an ongoing protest against the Adani port project in state’s Vizhinjam area, as reported by news agency PTI.
Police said cases have been registered against 3,000 ‘identifiable persons’ for vandalising a police station at Vizhinjam Sunday night. During the clash, 36 policemen and around 20 protesters were injured.
Speaking to the media, Additional Director General of Police M R Ajith Kumar said: “…a mob gathered at the police station in the evening and demanded the release of a few persons who were arrested in another case. They vandalised the police station and attacked the officers. An SI has received an open fracture on his leg. It seems like he was hit by a brick.”
In reaction to protests turning violent, police resorted to lathi charge and tear gas to disperse the mob, he added.
Around 600 policemen were already deployed in the region and around 300 more were added to them, Kumar said, as reported by news agency PTI.
Submit action-taken report: Kerala HC orders govt
The Kerala High Court Monday directed the State Government to submit a report on the steps it had taken regarding the violent incidents at Vizhinjam.
The bench of Justice Anu Sivaraman made the direction to Kerala while considering a contempt petition filed by the Adani Group against the State Government for its failure to comply with an earlier directive to provide police protection for the company to resume the construction, which had been suspended for over three months, as reported by the Indian Express.
The court directed the government to file a detailed report on the steps taken by it against the violence and posted the matter for further hearing on Friday.
The court also asked the government to take all possible steps to ensure law and order in the region.
Meanwhile, Adani Group informed the court that the trucks carrying construction materials were blocked by the protesters despite court orders.
The fishermen have been protesting against the Rs 7,500-crore port for the last four months. They have alleged its construction caused massive sea erosion, leading to loss of livelihood and dwellings, reports Indian Express.