Shark Tank India is back with its fourth season, premiering Monday. An extended promo has teased fans with glimpses of the upcoming drama, featuring entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds pitching their ideas to the panel of sharks. This season introduces a new investor, Kunal Bahl, who seems to clash with returning shark Aman Gupta, setting the stage for some compelling boardroom drama.
Gaurav Taneja Success Story
Popular YouTuber Gaurav Taneja made a splash in the promo by pitching his whey protein brand. His partner revealed an impressive feat- Rs. 1 crore in sales within an hour, despite the website being password-protected. Aman Gupta praised the achievement, calling it “a dream for many businesses,” while Vineeta Singh expressed amazement, saying, “Oh my God.”
Vineeta Singh Trolls Gaurav Taneja
During his pitch, Taneja commented on the influencer trend, saying, “Aaj kal har founder ko influencer banne ka kida aa gya hai” (these days, every founder wants to be an influencer). Vineeta Singh stole the spotlight with her quick retort: “Aur influencer ko founder banne ka” (and influencers want to become founders).
Her response sparked laughter from the sharks and became the highlight of the promo, subtly trolling Taneja and drawing attention to the growing overlap between influencers and entrepreneurs.
Fans React To The Promo
The exchange has ignited discussions on social media, with fans divided over Vineeta’s remark. Some applauded her for her wit, while others felt the comment was a subtle dig at Taneja’s influencer-turned-entrepreneur journey.
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As the season unfolds, viewers eagerly anticipate how Taneja’s pitch and the sharks’ reactions will shape the narrative of Shark Tank India 4.