Actor-comedian Krushna Abhishek has a deep passion for designer shoes and clothes, which has now led him to invest in a unique 3 BHK flat. In a recent interview, Krushna revealed that he bought the property not for living but to store his vast collection of clothes and shoes. His collection is regularly updated every six months.
Krushna’s Confession On Archana Puran Singh’s YouTube Channel
During a lunch hosted by Archana Puran Singh on her YouTube channel, Krushna opened up about his love for shoes and fashion. He mentioned that his growing collection led him to purchase an entire flat dedicated solely to his clothes and shoes.
Krushna Abhishek humorously shared, “I have bought a house and have turned it into a boutique.” Archana’s husband, Parmeet Sethi, was left in disbelief upon hearing this. Krushna admitted he regularly shifts his collection, updating it every six months. Archana teased him, suggesting her son Ayushmann could benefit from any discarded clothes during the shifts.
A Hilarious Confession About DnG
In the same conversation, Krushna recalled his childhood memories of wearing clothes that once belonged to his uncle, Bollywood star Govinda. He shared an amusing story about how, as a youngster, he believed that the popular fashion brand DnG was the creation of his uncle Govinda and director David Dhawan, combining their initials.
Krushna laughed as he explained, “Back when I was in college, he used to wear all big brands. We had no clue about brands, but at that time, he would wear Prada, Gucci… names I have recently learnt to pronounce.” He went on to say, “For many years, I thought DnG stood for David and Govinda. I thought they were so famous they must have created a brand of their own.”
The Iconic Duo of David and Govinda
David Dhawan and Govinda have a long history in Bollywood, delivering hit films and memorable songs in the 1990s and 2000s, such as Raja Babu, Coolie No. 1, Saajan Chale Sasural, and Hero No. 1. Although the two had a falling out over the years, Govinda confirmed a recent reconciliation, emphasizing that they no longer dwell on the past.