Bollywood’s latest release, Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and Veer Pahariya, has taken the audience by storm with its gripping storyline and stellar performances. While Veer Pahariya is garnering significant praise for his role, another name has captured everyone’s attention but it’s not from the cast. Making waves on social media and grabbing headlines is Naomika Saran, the granddaughter of Bollywood’s first superstar, Rajesh Khanna, and someone with a special connection to Akshay Kumar. Here’s why Naomika is the talk of the town.
Naomika Saran In The Limelight
Yes, Naomika Saran is currently in the limelight. Ever since she was spotted at the screening of Sky Force, she has been the center of attention. People are talking about her and are eager to know more about her. Let’s take a closer look at who Naomika Saran is…
Speaking of Naomika Saran, she is none other than the granddaughter of Rajesh Khanna, who is currently in the spotlight. Naomika Saran is the daughter of Twinkle Khanna’s sister, Rinke Khanna. Yes, Naomika shares a special bond with Akshay Kumar’s son, Aarav, and their bond is clearly visible in their photos together.
Screening Of The Film ‘Sky Force’
Naomika Saran recently turned heads at the screening of Akshay Kumar’s film Sky Force, where her stunning presence became the talk of the town. Notably, Naomika is highly active on social media and boasts an impressive following of 93.8K on Instagram.
Speaking of Sky Force, many Bollywood celebrities were seen at the film’s screening, and everyone looked extremely happy. After the film’s release, it has also received positive reviews. Now, it will be interesting to see how the film performs on its opening day at the box office.