New Delhi: Rakhi Sawant has made headlines recently for her wedding to Adil Durrani, which was recently made public. The actress, who rose to prominence after appearing on Bigg Boss, married her lover Adil in May 2022. However, the wedding was only made public in January of this year. Rakhi is reportedly pregnant, and the couple is expecting their first child. However, it has now been revealed that the actress had a miscarriage.
Was Rakhi Sawant Really Pregnant?
Rakhi Sawant’s pregnancy had been rumoured for quite some time. However, paparazzo Viral Bhayani has now alleged that the actress had a miscarriage. He said on Instagram that he had a talk with the actress during which she confessed that she was truly pregnant and even made the announcement on Bigg Boss Marathi. Everyone, however, assumed it was a prank.
The caption read, “#rakhiswant has always made us laugh and we always take her lightly. Sadly, the lady has been going through a lot of pain lately. Nevertheless she is the one who cries in the rain. Amidst her mom’s health issue and personal life issues comes this bad news. “Yesh bhai I was pregnant and I had announced the same on Bigg Boss Marathi show. But everyone thought it was a joke and did not take it very seriously,” Rakhi told me over phone. She also confirmed that she had a miscarriage. (sic)”
Rakhi and Adil’s marriage
Rakhi and Adil are said to have married in May 2022. Adil believed that making their wedding news public would make it impossible for his sister to find a suitable marriage. On January 16, Adil Durrani uploaded a joyous photo from his wedding day and accepted Rakhi as his wife. “So here’s an announcement finally, I never said I am not married to you, Rakhi,” he said, explaining his reasons for remaining silent about his nuptials. I just had a few things to handle, so I had to remain quiet, and Rakhi (pappudi) and I had a wonderful married life (sic). Rakhi has apparently changed her name to Fatima, according to a viral photo of the nikaah nama.
Also Read: Rakhi Sawant claims Salman Khan saved her marriage with Adil Khan Durrani
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