New Delhi: A big Box Office clash is waiting ahead- Vikram Vedha and Ponniyin Selvan I. Both big-budget movies will be hitting the theatres on September 30. Helmed by Pushkar and Gayatri, Vikram Vedha stars Hrithik Roshan and Saif Ali Khan. Ponniyin Selvan I, on the other hand, stars Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Chiyaan Vikram, Jayam Ravi, Karthi, Trisha, and others. PS I is directed by Mani Ratnam.
Big Box Office clash: Ponniyin Selvan I and Vikram Vedha
Now the advance booking for both the films has been opened and the tickets are selling like hot cakes. Advance booking for the PS I’s Tamil and Telugu versions opened on Sunday. While for Vikram Vedha, the advance bookings were opened on Saturday. But let us see which film is ahead on its first day of advance booking.
It seems that PS I is doing great in the home market. As expected, the film is primarily enjoying a huge buzz for its original Tamil language. As per media reports, Ponniyin Selvan 1 has accumulated 3.15 crores gross from day 1 advance booking.
It is all set to hit the 2 lakh mark soon in ticket sales as per its Tamil version is concerned. The magnum opus is expected to achieve a huge final figure and will be hitting the 10 crore mark soon.
Vikram Vedha on the other hand has accumulated 45 lakhs through advance booking across the country. From here it is expected to collect Rs 6.70 crores gross in advance booking for opening day.
Moreover, Vikram Vedha will have the largest international distribution for a Hindi film, with a record-breaking 100+ countries worldwide. Before its release, the film sparked worldwide interest and appeal, and many countries have already begun advance bookings.
Interestingly, the makers of Vikram Vedha have opted for balanced ticket rates. This strategy will help in attracting more footfall in the coming days.