Ramesh Gupta, the veteran director of some hit television shows, passed away on December 28, 2024. He was well known for his shows like ‘Parampara’ and ‘Karz’. The filmmaker worked with producer Manish Goswami in ‘Parampara’. His prayer meeting will be held on December 30 in Mumbai.
While speaking to ETimes, Manish Goswami recalled his experience of working with Ramesh Gupta and talked about their bond. He shared, “He always believed in finishing work early if possible. If the shoot was scheduled from 9 to 6, he’d often wrap up by 4:30, leaving everyone amazed. His philosophy was simple: why make the unit wait unnecessarily?”
“Every morning on New Year’s Day, without fail, he’d call me. That was the bond we shared,” he revealed.
‘Parampara’ starred Neena Gupta, Mohan Bhandari, Anil Dhawan, and many more popular actors. The show ran successfully for five years.