Tiger 3 Update: Tiger 3, Shah Rukh Khan’s upcoming film, will reunite him with Salman Khan. The performers recently lit up the big screen with their amazing collaboration with SRK’s Pathaan. Salman AKA Tiger intimated in the film that he is going on a dangerous assignment and may want Pathaan’s assistance.
It has already been revealed that Shah Rukh will be shooting Tiger 3 for a week. The backstory has been a closely guarded secret. According to a trade source, SRK will film a huge action sequence in the film.
SRK to perform heavy action scene in Tiger 3
About Shah Rukh Khan’s cameo in Tiger 3, a source revealed, “The fact that 7 days have been earmarked to shoot this sequence means that extensive plans have been made to make this a visual delight for audiences! The expectations are sky-high after what people have seen in Pathaan and the makers are very aware of this. So, one should take it for granted that YRF and Maneesh Sharma are not going to leave any stone unturned to make this scene between Pathaan and Tiger a sequence to remember in Indian cinema.”
It further added, “Expect full swagger from SRK and Salman in Tiger 3. They are going to go all out to give audiences a sequence that they will fondly cherish for their lives. YRF Spy Universe is only going to take the theatrical experience of every film up by a few notches. While each film will have different emotions given how the personalities and story arcs of the three super spies have been designed differently, one can be assured that when the super-spies cross over to each other’s films, there will be fireworks every single time. Here are the biggest megastars of Indian cinema doing action like never seen before in their unique styles – it is going to be epic!”