Actor Nora Fatehi has recently made headlines after finding herself in a frightening situation due to the wildfires raging in Los Angeles. The fires were so severe that she had to evacuate her home in a hurry. Expressing her fear, she described the chaos in LA as ‘crazy.’ Meanwhile, Priyanka Chopra also posted a video showing flames consuming the hills near her mansion in the area.
Nora Fatehi Escapes
On Thursday, Nora shared a video on Instagram Stories to discuss her experiences and provide an update on how she’s doing. She said, “I’m in LA and the wildfires are crazy. I’ve never seen anything like this. This is insane. We just got an evacuation order like 5 minutes ago. So, I quickly packed all my stuff and I’m evacuating out of here, out of this area.”
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Nora discussed her evacuation plan, including the location to which she would be going. She stated, “I’m gonna go near the airport and chill there because I have a flight today and I really hope I can catch it. I hope it doesn’t get cancelled because this s**t is scary. I have never experienced this before. I am going to keep you guys updated. Hopefully I can get out in time. And yeah man, I really hope people in LA are safe. This fire is crazy”.
She also posted a quick video from her car showing the fire before her evacuation. On her Instagram Stories, she mentioned, “The LA fires are crazy right now… I hope everyone is okay.”
Priyanka Chopra On Wildfire
Indian actor Priyanka Chopra recently shared a video from her home in Los Angeles. In the video, we can see areas on a nearby hill where fires are burning, just a few miles away from her residence. She added, “My thoughts are with everyone. I hope we are all able to be safe tonight.” She later expressed her gratitude to the rescue workers and firefighters for their dedication and effort.