New Delhi: Director Vivek Agnihotri announced The Vaccine War as his upcoming film following the enormous success of his last film, The Kashmir Files. Originally, the movie was slated to be released in 11 languages on August 15, 2023, in honour of Independence Day. Now that it has been revealed, the movie’s release date has been moved up. This Dussehra, The Vaccine War will be released in theatres.
Release date for The Vaccine War gets postponed
The Vaccine War’s director Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri has officially announced that Nana Patekar would play the major role. It was announced by trade expert Taran Adarsh that the movie’s release date had been delayed.
He tweeted, “#Xclusivâ€æ VIVEK AGNIHOTRI SHIFTS ‘THE VACCINE WAR’ TO DUSSEHRA 2023â€æ #TheVaccineWar – which was scheduled for release this #IndependenceDay weekend – will now arrive in *cinemas* on #Dussehra2023, it is learnt from reliable sources (sic).”
#Xclusiv… VIVEK AGNIHOTRI SHIFTS ‘THE VACCINE WAR’ TO DUSSEHRA 2023… #TheVaccineWar – which was scheduled for release this #IndependenceDay weekend – will now arrive in *cinemas* on #Dussehra2023, it is learnt from reliable sources.
---Advertisement---After the #Blockbuster run of…
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) June 8, 2023
Taran added, “After the #Blockbuster run of #TheKashmirFiles, #VivekRanjanAgnihotri and his producer-wife #PallaviJoshi are currently giving finishing touches to #TheVaccineWar. A few days shoot is yet to be executed, besides the duo have plans of organising pre-release screenings of the film in #USA [#TheKashmirFiles also followed the same strategy], before it hits the *cinemas* in #India. That explains the shift to #Dussehra2023 (sic).”