The Kerala Story box office collection Day 19: The Kerala Story made quite a stir at the box office when it first came out in theatres. The movie centres on three ladies and explores the serious issue of religious conversions and ISIS. The movie’s lowest take was on May 23, after it had passed the Rs 200-crore mark domestically.
The Kerala Story box office
The Kerala Story was released on May 5 in the midst of all the controversy surrounding it. The movie has had enormous success at the box office. The movie even reached the Rs 200-crore club on Day 18. Early trade estimates claim that the movie’s Day 19 take suffered a significant decline. Its box office take of Rs 4 crore is the lowest it has ever received. As a result, The Kerala Story has now earned a total of Rs 207.47 crore. On May 23, it was occupied 13.84 percent of the time total in Hindi.
About the film
According to reports, the central character of The Kerala Story is an innocent Hindu woman from Kerala who is misled and converted by Islamic companions. Later, she gets transferred to the ISIS terrorist group. Everyone was surprised, though, to learn that the movie is based on actual events in which some 32,000 Keralan women fell victim to this risky ruse.
Even when the trailer debuted, the movie was being scanned. Following this, there have been an increase in resentment and demonstrations calling for the film’s ban. The trailer for the movie, however, now refers to the current stories of three women rather than the “story of 32,000 women.” That spurred additional discussion.’