Renowned filmmaker Shyam Benegal passed away on Monday, December 23, around 6:30 pm. He made a significant contribution to Indian Cinema. He was so passionate about cinema that he created the Hyderabad Film Society. He served twice as chairman of FTII. Recently on December 14 Benegal celebrated his 90th birthday.
Shyam Benegal who has been well known for his contribution to Indian Cinema had a close family connection with legendary film director and actor Guru Dutt. He started his journey to the movies because of Guru Dutt.
Shyam Benegal’s Family Legacy And His Connection To Guru Dutt
He has left behind his entire legacy. Shyam was born on December 14 1934 in Secunderabad which is now a part of Hyderabad. He was born in a Konkani-speaking family. His father, Sridhar B. Benegal was a photographer. Benegal graduated from Osmania University in Hyderabad.
Film Director Guru Dutt and filmmaker Shyam Benegal were cousins, as Guru Dutt’s maternal grandmother and paternal grandmother of Shyam Benegal were sisters. This relation made both Dutt and Benegal cousins.
According to media reports, when Shyam Benegal came to Mumbai to pursue a career in filmmaking, he sought help from his cousin Guru Dutt. However, Guru Dutt asked him to start his journey. Guru Dutt mentioned that having a filmmaker in his family inspired him to leave Delhi.
Benegal has a close connection with the Dutt family, as the legendary filmmaker Guru Dutt was his second cousin.
He married the former editor of India book house, Nira Mukerji Benegal. She played an important roles in Shyam Benegal’s films. Nira has designed few costumes for his films.
Nira and Shyam have a daughter Pia Benegal. Pia Benegal is also a costume designer. She has been working as a costume designer for over three decades. Pia has worked on many films.
Shyam Benegal’s brother Som passed away in 2014. Shyam’s nephews Dev and Rahul are also filmmakers.
Also Read: Legendary Filmmaker Shyam Benegal Dies at 90