New Delhi: Whether it’s Ranbir Kapoor’s hyped movie Shamshera or Naga Chaitanya’s Thank You, the box office witnesses no improvement. Yes, like Shamshera saw an average opening of Rs 10.25 crore on the first day, Naga Chaitanya’s ‘Thank You’ grossed less than Rs. 3.50 crores in Telugu states for the opening day, earning a mere Rs. 1.60 crores share.
The movie which also stars Raashi Khanna along with Naga Chaitanya had a bleeding start on the very first day. The film also features Malavika Nair, Avika Gaur, Sai Sushant Reddy and Prakash Raj in pivotal roles. The film has been helmed by directed by Vikram Kumar. Thank you was announced in August 2022. The film has been directed by Vikram Kumar and the story has been written by BVS Ravi. The film is produced by Dil Raju and Sirish.
In the film, Naga Chaitanya plays Abhi, a young and wealthy businessman who used to be a happy-go-lucky guy but became self-centered and arrogant as a result of his circumstances. He is portrayed as an aggressive man who is pleased with his accomplishments. Chaitanya has a variety of looks.
It is to be noted that, the opening day collection of the movie in Telugu states are less than 40 per cent of Naga Chaitanya’s previous film Bangarraju, which opened to career-best numbers for the actor with Rs. 10.50 crores during Sankranti.
There were high hopes from the film as the actor was arriving at the big screens after delivering two back-to-back hits Love Stoy and Bangarraju.
The pre-release business of the film was valued at Rs 24 crores worldwide, the film now needs to recover Rs 22.84 Crore shares to emerge as a successful venture, however it seems impossible as it failed to get a good start.
It was also opened with negative reviews from the critics, they severely criticized it for the poor screenplay, predictable story, and flat narrative while they praised the performance of Naga.