New Delhi: Popular reality show Swayamvar: Mika Di Voti has got its top 3 finalist in Neet Mahal, Akanksha Puri and Prantika Das. Wild card entry Riya Kishanchandani got eliminated in the latest episode, after singer Mika chose his potential top 3 bride-to-be.
Though Mika had visited Riya’s house and met her parents as a part of the show’s format, he chose not to go ahead with her.
Well Viral Bhayani has recently posted a picture of one of the finalist Prantika Das, who has especially won Mika’s heart and made her place to the top three list.
Prantika is a Bengali and Telugu actress, born and brought up in Kolkata, West Bengal. Mika was amazed with her sweet voice and amazing moves.
Let us have a look at the top three contestants
1. Akanksha Puri
Akanksha Puri is an Indian actress best known for her role in the mythological show Vighnaharta Ganesha. She has appeared in films in several languages. She and Mika Singh have a long history, having known each other for 13-14 years. Akanksha has experienced life’s highs and lows alongside him and believes that there can’t be a better life partner than a best friend. She dated Bigg Boss 13 contestant Paras Chhabra in the past.
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2. Neet Mahal
Neet Mahal and Mika Singh previously collaborated on a music video, which is how they became acquainted. Neet stated in one of her interviews that she had heard Mika had a certain “reputation.” Her perspective shifted when she met Mika in person and saw his “true” side. Neet stated that he made her feel very comfortable and included her in the team.
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3. Prantika Das
Prantika Das’s upbeat personality won Mika’s heart from the start. She is from Kolkata, and she has always wanted to marry a singer. When Prantika is happy, she bangs her forehead with Mika and says ‘Ting.’
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