New Delhi: Amid break rumours between Sushmita Sen and business tycoon Lalit Modi, the actress celebrates her daughter Renee’s birthday with pomp and show. Renee Sen turned 23 on September 4. Sharing a series of pictures from the bash, Susmita captioned it, “On 4th September my #firstlove @reneesen47 celebrated her 23rd birthday!!#timeflies. From dinner with family to dancing the night away with all of Renee’s awesome friends…the beautiful birthday girl rocked all our worlds like only SHE can!!! Thank you @ritik_bhasin & @145cafeandbar for celebrating Renee’s birthday with such love & style!!! you guys are AMAZING … I am a fan!!! Here’s to you Shona @reneesen47. To your health & happiness always!!! Alisah & I remain forever yours!!!”
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See Sushmita’s post here
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Interestingly, her post featured both her exes- Rohman Shawl and Ritik Bhasin. As Renee celebrated her 23rd birthday on Sunday, Sushmita Sen’s ex-boyfriend and model Rohman Shawl also posted a wish for Renee on Sunday.
Renee, thanking Rohman in her Instagram story, wrote: “Thank you so so much. I’m sending you a new picture for next year.”
For the unversed, Sushmita adopted Renee in 2000 while her second daughter Alisah joined the family in 2010.
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in a crucial development, Lalit Modi drops a hint into his Instagram handle, leaving us thinking if the duo has parted ways.
Previously, the businessman shared a picture of himself posing with Sushmita and wrote that he was starting a new life. His bio had read, “finally starting a new life with my partner in crime. My love @sushmitasen47 (sic).”
But now, Lalit’s profile and bio have no mention of Sushmita. His profile picture has changed to a national flag and his bio only mentions ‘founder of IPL.’