New Delhi: Actress Sunny Leone never fails to make heads turn with her breathtaking looks. The diva keeps her social media followers engaged and often shares updates on her professional as well as personal front. Currently, the Jism actor is holidaying with her husband in the Maldives and has been sharing stunning pics and videos of herself from the island country. Recently, Sunny shared a video of herself having a gala time at a picturesue location. In the video, Sunny can be seen lying on the white sand beach donning a bikini and enjoying the waves of the ocean.
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Sunny, a day ago, took to her Instagram space and shared a droolworthy video. Donned in a multi coloured bikini, the actor is seen chilling at the seaside. “Been hit by Maldives love!!” she captioned the video. Check out below:
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Earlier, she shared another set of gorgeous pics in the same outfit posing by the seaside and captioned, “Love this bikini!”
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Recently, Sunny and Daniel completed 11 years of marriage. Earlier this year, in an interaction with Bollywood Bubble, Sunny had said, “I did not have my children. But, I really really wanted children and so did my husband. So we were going through the process of surrogacy. And then this process of surrogacy, that takes a long time.”