Bollywood actor Sunny Leone flew to Hyderabad to perform at a DJ Night at the Illuzion Pub in Hyderabad’s Jubilee Hills on November 30. However, the show was cancelled after police denied permission at the last minute due to procedural lapses by the organisers. The event was scheduled to take place between 11 pm and 12:30 am on Saturday.
According to a report by Newsmeter, the organisers had planned a live DJ performance by Sunny Leone as part of their weekend celebration. For this, they had sold around 500 tickets on BookMyShow despite the pending issues.
When people started arriving at the venue around 8 pm, they were intercepted by Jubilee Hills police. Around 100 police officers were deployed, who stayed at the venue between 8 pm and 1 am. The situation turned sour as people were left frustrated over the mismanagement.
When the attendees started to leave the venue, the organisers flashed a message on TV, but surprisingly, the reason shared was different. The message cited Sunny’s health as the cause behind the cancellation of the event. It read, “Due to health issues, Sunny Leone will not be performing today. However, the club will continue with Bollywood Night as planned. We apologize for any inconvenience caused (sic).”
Check the video from the venue:
Video and image
— Sudhakar Udumula (@sudhakarudumula) December 1, 2024
Was It A Fraud?
The news did not go down well with the netizens, who questioned the reason for organising the event despite having no permission from the police. Some also highlighted out how it could be a fraud. “Recent days, events like these, for festivals, flea markets have become a fascade to just move money from consumers pockets to organizers pockets… Elite frauds,” commented one person.
Another person pointed out the number of officials deployed outside the venue and wrote, “Sir such a huge police deployment comes at a cost isn’t it? , while we see lack of it at many places where required. People seem to defy laws at will.”
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