South Korean actor Park Sung Hoon, known for his role in Netflix’s Squid Game 2, faced severe backlash after uploading a controversial parody of a Japanese adult video (AV) cover on Instagram. The post, shared on December 30, coincided with the aftermath of the tragic Jeju Air flight crash at Muan International Airport, which claimed the lives of 179 out of 181 passengers. Many victims included K-pop fans returning from the 2024 Asia Artist Awards in Bangkok, with 173 South Korean nationals reportedly aboard the ill-fated Boeing 737-800.
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Deleted Post Stirs Online Frenzy
Although the actor promptly deleted the NSFW post, screenshots of the parody poster spread rapidly across social media. The image depicted an X-rated version of Squid Game, featuring explicit portrayals of women, which many deemed highly inappropriate. Initially, speculation arose about a potential hacking incident, but these theories were dismissed when Park’s agency confirmed he had posted the content himself by mistake.
Agency Responds To Backlash
BH Entertainment, the agency representing Park Sung Hoon, issued a statement to, explaining the mishap. “Park Sung Hoon received an overwhelming number of direct messages (DMs) on his social media. While checking the DMs, he accidentally uploaded the image. The actor himself was deeply shocked and feels extremely sorry for making such a mistake, especially in these circumstances. He will be more careful in the future to ensure this does not happen again.”
The controversy adds to the growing criticism surrounding Squid Game’s recently released sequel, which has been targeted by review-bombing. Park Sung Hoon’s accidental post further fueled public disapproval, with many fans calling for greater sensitivity during a time of national mourning.