New Delhi: Haryana BJP leader and TikTok star Sonali Phogat, 42, died on Tuesday. Sudhir Sangwan, Sonali Phogat’s personal assistant, and Sukhwinder Singh were arrested by Goa Police on Friday in connection with her murder. According to news agency IANS, Sangwan has confessed to the crime to police. During a press conference on Friday, Inspector General of Police Omvir Singh Bishnoi stated that the accused “intentionally gave the victim an obnoxious chemical substance in a liquid” hours before she died on the morning of August 23. While Sangvan was Phogat’s personal assistant, Singh is his aide.
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Inspector General of Police Omvir Singh Bishnoi said Friday, “Based on witness statements, CCTV footage from the club, it was seen that Sudhir and Sukhwinder partied with the deceased, and videos show that a substance was forcefully given to the victim by one of the accused. When confronted with this, Singh and Sangvan confessed to the police that they intentionally gave the victim an obnoxious chemical in a liquid and made her drink it. Then she lost control and she was looked after (by the accused). Another shot shows she was given something in a liquid.”
“After drinking the liquid, she felt uneasy and sick in the restaurant. Later, she was taken by Sangwan and Sukhwinder to the hotel, where they were staying and then to St Antony’s hospital, Anjuna where she was declared brought dead,” he said.
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Giving an account of the hours preceding Phogat’s death, he added, “At 4.40 (am) when she was unable to control herself, the accused took her to the bathroom and then she spent two hours in the bathroom. The accused has given no explanation for this so far. When custodial interrogation will be conducted, we will find out what they did,” he said.
According to Bishnoi, the accused’s motivation for eliminating Phogat is unknown, but a possible economic motive is being investigated.