New Delhi: After referring to Indian women as “lazy” at an event, actress Sonali Kulkarni faced a lot of backlash online. As the video went viral, some online bullies teased the actress for her remarks. Sonali offered an apology on social media after receiving criticism for offending people’s feelings.
Sonali Kulkarni posts apology note
When Sonali Kulkarni’s comment on Indian women went viral, she was the target of trolls. She had said, “In India, we, at times, forget that a lot of women are just lazy.”
Following this, Sonali posted an apology note for hurting sentiments. She writes, “Dear all, I’m overwhelmed with the feedback I’m receiving. I would like to thank all of you, especially the entire press and media for the extremely mature conduct of connecting with me. Being a woman myself, my intention was not to hurt other women. In fact, I have extensively expressed myself time and again in support of us and what is it being a woman. I’m grateful to all of you for reaching out to me personally to appreciate or to criticize. Hope we will be able to have more open exchange of thoughts (sic).”
She added, “In my capacity I am trying to think, support and share warmth not only with women, but with the entire mankind. It will be only strengthening if we women with our vulnerabilities and wisdom shine through as fair and able beings. If we are inclusive and empathetic, we will be able to create a healthier, happier place to be (sic).”
The post ended with: “Having said that, if unknowingly, I may have caused pain, I want to apologize from the bottom of my heart. I do not thrive upon headlines neither do I want to be the center of sensational situations. I’m a diehard optimist and I strongly believe that life indeed is beautiful. Thanks for your patience and support. I have learned a lot from this incident (sic).”
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