Instead of opting for an elaborate destination wedding, Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor chose to marry at their Bandra residence in 2022. They exchanged vows on their balcony, a cherished spot in their home, surrounded by family and close friends. In a widely circulated video from their wedding night, fans were delighted to watch Ranbir and Alia dancing to the iconic song “Chaiyya Chaiyya” from the movie Dil Se (1998). They appeared genuinely joyful, dancing without inhibitions and dressed alike in red. It appears that Shah Rukh Khan and Malaika Arora’s iconic track has become a favorite wedding song among Bollywood’s recent newlyweds. This time, it’s referring to Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal, the latest married couple in town.
Bride Sonakshi Sinha & groom Zaheer Iqbal grooving on Chaiyya Chaiyya on their wedding.
---Advertisement---It’s a vibe 🔥 #ShahRukhKhan
— Shahneeta (@Neeta11shahrukh) June 24, 2024
After a relationship spanning 7 years, Sonakshi and Zaheer exchanged vows in a civil ceremony at Sonakshi’s residence in Bandra, Mumbai on June 23. Despite speculation about Sonakshi’s parents’ initial reservations, both Shatrughan Sinha and Poonam Sinha, alongside Zaheer’s parents, were present to bless the union. Following the ceremony, the newlyweds celebrated at a popular city restaurant with their celebrity friends. A viral video from their wedding night captures Sonakshi and Zaheer dancing to Shah Rukh Khan and Malaika Arora’s “Chaiyya Chaiyya,” enthusiastically cheered on by their guests. The couple even recreated SRK’s iconic hook-step, going down on their knees amidst the festivities.
Also Read: Sonakshi Sinha And Zaheer Iqbal Share First Pictures As Married Couple
Similar to Ranbir and Alia, Sonakshi and Zaheer exude love as they dance to the iconic beats, celebrating their special day. The radiant bride adorned a stunning red saree, while the groom looked dashing in a white sherwani. Both Sonakshi and Zaheer coordinated in elegant ivory outfits for their intimate civil marriage ceremony at home, perfectly matching and capturing hearts.
Also Read: Sonakshi Sinha And Zaheer Iqbal’s Wedding: Civil Marriage, Celebrations, And Event Details