Akshay Kumar, known for his patriotic roles, is once again gearing up for a Republic Day release with his latest film Sky Force. Set to release on January 24, 2025, the film is a gripping portrayal of India’s first and deadliest airstrike, focusing on the retaliatory attack on Pakistan’s Sargodha airbase during the 1965 Indo-Pakistani war. This film marks Akshay’s portrayal of an Air Force officer, continuing his legacy of films centered on national pride and bravery.
First Motion Poster Released
On December 4, 2024, the makers of Sky Force released the highly anticipated first motion poster on social media. The poster was accompanied by a caption stating, “This New Year, soar into the skies with #SkyForce – the untold story of India’s first and deadliest airstrike ever. Trailer out tomorrow. In cinemas on 24th January 2025.”
Veer Pahariya, making his debut with Sky Force, plays a key role alongside Akshay Kumar. The trailer is expected to be unveiled tomorrow, adding to the excitement of the film’s release.
Initially slated for an October 2024 release, Sky Force was rescheduled for January 24, 2025. The shift was made to align with the Republic Day period, which is known for patriotic blockbusters. A source close to the project explained, “Sky Force is packed with action, drama, emotions, thrills, and a strong patriotic theme. It’s the perfect fit for the Republic Day release.”
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Stellar Cast And Production Team
Sky Force features a talented cast, including Akshay Kumar, Veer Pahariya, Nimrat Kaur, and Sara Ali Khan. The film has garnered attention recently after a viral video of Veer and Sara dancing to a Garhwali song during a promotional shoot. Directed by Sandeep Kewlani and Abhishek Kapur, the film is produced by Dinesh Vijan, Jyoti Deshpande, and Amar Kaushik.
The film is based on the retaliatory airstrike carried out by India on Pakistan’s Sargodha airbase in 1965, during the Indo-Pakistani war. This critical moment in Indian military history is the focal point of the film, which promises to be a thrilling action-packed drama with deep emotional undertones.
The trailer will be launched in Mumbai with the star cast, directors, and producers in attendance, adding to the anticipation for Sky Force’s release on January 24, 2025.