New Delhi: Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani, one of Bollywood’s cutest couples, married on February 7 after keeping their fans guessing for a long time. After courting for two years, the pair married in Jaisalmer, Rajasthan. Sid and Kiara kept their wedding small and intimate, inviting only close friends and family. Following the completion of all wedding rites, the couple returned to Mumbai on February 11 and gave sweets to the paparazzi.
Sidharth-Kiara gifted assorted laddu boxes to paps
Fans have been salivating over Sidharth and Kiara’s wedding photos and videos. After arriving in Mumbai from Delhi, the two celebs smiled for photographers at the airport and even handed out candy. A brief message from the couple was included in the box. We now know what’s inside the ‘Shaadi Ka Ladoo’ boxes that have been distributed recently.
Shaadi Ka Ladoo, the firm in charge of assembling the boxes of sweets that the duo has been delivering all along, turned to Instagram to reveal what was inside the boxes. The company’s official account mentioned the wedding as well as the boxes packed of varied treats.
“Marking a beautiful journey of love and eternity, we’re glad to witness & seal the sweet deal between two wonderful souls. Kiara & Sidharth with the handcrafted goodness of our exquisite mithai made with pure ingredients & served with love. Thank you for choosing the promise of sweet love & the gift of giving! Thank you for choosing Shaadi Ka Ladoo! (sic).”
One of the celebrity accounts also posted a video on Instagram, showing a preview of the complete package with a hand-painted drawing. It was stuffed with a variety of sweets.
Sid-Kiara Reception
Sidharth and Kiara looked lovely as they walked the red carpet together. For their reception, the couple eschewed tradition and looked stunning in western attire. Sidharth wore a classic black tuxedo while Kiara wore a frock with a richly adorned jewellery. The couple struck a romantic posture, leaving everyone at the venue speechless. Meanwhile, Sid and Kiara’s wedding took place over three days and included mehendi, sangeet, haldi, and pheras. Manish Malhotra was the couple’s wedding photographer.
Also Read: Sidharth Malhotra-Kiara Advani Reception: Guest list to Venue, all you need to know
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