TV actor Shweta Tiwari recently withdrew her petition before the Bombay High Court, seeking to quash a forgery case filed against her. This follows the submission of an A-summary report by the Bandra-Kurla Complex Police, which closed the investigation due to insufficient evidence. The report, dated December 18, 2024, was accepted by the High Court Bench of Justices Sarang Kotwal and Neela Gokhale, allowing Tiwari to withdraw her petition.
The Case Background
The forgery case dates back to March 2021, when Tiwari’s ex-husband, Abhinav Kohli, accused her of forging his signature on a Non-Objection Certificate (NOC) in 2017 to obtain a visa for their son to travel to the UK. Kohli claimed that the visa was canceled after he informed the British consulate that he had never given consent. The case was registered with the police after Kohli’s allegations.
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Shweta Tiwari’s Arguments In High Court
Tiwari, in her petition, argued that the FIR was filed years after the alleged incident, suggesting the matter was driven by personal disputes between her and Kohli. She pointed out that she and Kohli had traveled to the UK in 2018 with his consent for their son’s physiotherapy, and the NOC was granted at that time. The actor further contended that the FIR was filed only after the couple’s relationship soured, fearing she might take their son abroad again.
Closure Of Case By Police
The Bandra-Kurla Complex Police recently filed an A-summary report, effectively closing the case for lack of evidence. Following this, Shweta Tiwari decided to withdraw her plea before the Bombay High Court. The couple divorced in 2019, after Tiwari filed a domestic violence complaint against Kohli.
Tiwari was represented by Senior Advocate S. Purohit, along with advocates Chaval Patil, Sapna Sharma, and the legal team from K Ashar Co. The State was represented by Additional Public Prosecutor M.H. Mhatre.