Bollywood actors Shreyas Talpade and Alok Nath have reportedly landed in a legal trouble along with 11 others. According to reports, an FIR has been registered against them for cheating and criminal breach of trust on January 22 in the Murthal police station in Haryana.
According to The Print, a total of 13 people have been named in the case, registered under Sections 316(2), 318(2), and 318(4) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) for offenses including criminal breach of trust, cheating, and deceptive transfer of property. Ajeet Singh, additional commissioner of police (ACP), Murthal, was quoted as saying, “The main complaint is against the society accused of duping people by luring them to invest. We will investigate any role ascribed to Shreyas Talpade and Alok Nath.”
The complainant Vipul Antil, who is a resident of Sonipat, alleged that the Human Welfare Credit Cooperative Society has been registered in Indore under the Multi-State Cooperative Society Act, 2002, and has been functioning in multiple states, including Haryana, since 2016.
He accused the society of assuring investors that their funds were secure and that maturity payments would be made promptly. Talking about the issue, he further said, “First, the incentives of agents were stopped. Then payment of the matured amount of investors also started getting delayed. Soon, the owners switched off the phones, and the offices were locked.”
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The complainant also claimed that investors and agents were given false reassurances by those still in contact with society when they reached out.