Actor Shraddha Kapoor and writer Rahul Mody were the cutest couple in town, going on dates and sharing pretty pictures together. They even made their relationship official with a selfie, in which the two were seen holding hands. Shraddha captioned the photo, “Dil rakhle, neend toh dede yaar.” However, the fairytale reportedly ended after Shraddha unfollowed him as well as his sister, production house and his dog, on Instagram.
But the romance has apparently rekindled! Shraddha Kapoor recently posted a photo on her Instagram handle, which looked like a Vada Pav date with Rahul. In the picture, she is seen holding a plate of the snack while sitting in a car parked some where on a Mumbai street. She captioned the photo, “May I always bully you into taking me for vada pav.” She tagged Rahul Mody in the picture and added the classic tune of Yeh Vaada Raha by Kishore Kumar, thereby raising eyebrows.
Check out the picture:
Instagram Buddies Again!
After the reports of their break-up surfaced, Shraddha Kapoor fans found that Shraddha had unfollowed Rahul along with everyone and everything related to him. This included his production house, his sister, and even his dog. After the news of their patch up circulated, people began to see if she has followed them back, and indeed she has.
Shraddha has unfollowed Rahul Mody on instagram. Even his sister, his production house and his dog. Just some time ago she had made the relationship official.
by u/pro-cra-stinator in BollyBlindsNGossip
Who Is Rahul Mody?
Rahul Mody is a writer and assistant director who has been part of projects such as Pyaar Ka Punchnama 1 & 2, Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety and Tu Jhooti Main Makkar. It was on the sets of Tu Jhooti Main Makkar that Shraddha and Rahul met for the first time and their romance bloomed. The adorable couple also made a public appearance during a friend’s wedding, thereby fueling dating rumours.
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