New Delhi: Shah Rukh Khan is Indian film industry’s biggest jewel. The actor makes headlines for every move he makes. On Tuesday, the actor shared a quirky tweet and fans can’t help but go gaga over King Khan’s latest social media activity. As a family-oriented person at heart, SRK never misses out on an opportunity to engage with his family on social media. The action moved to Twitter after actor’s humorous exchange with Aryan Khan on Instagram when the latter shared his trendy commercial photographs.
After Aryan Khan’s ad for adidas went viral, proud mom Gauri took to Twitter to praise the young lad. In the picture shared by Gauri, Aryan can be seen posing and bouncing in the while sporting a sharp athleisure outfit. What’s noteworthy about this is the jump that resembles his father’s from one of his movies. She wrote “Onwards and upwards… my boy” as the tweet’s caption. Being the goofy person that he is, Shah Rukh Khan quoted his wife’s tweet and wrote, “Mujh par gaya hai… my boy!” while sharing a still from the movie “Main Hoon Na.” Check out their hilarious banter below:
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Mujh par gaya hai….my boy!
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) September 13, 2022
While fans have been rejoiced to see Aryan on screen, the starlet has no intention of being a full-time actor. On many instances, Shah Rukh has clarified that Aryan does not dream of becoming an actor, and is focused on filmmaking. In fact, it has been reported that Aryan is working on a web-series which will go on floors next year.
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Talking about Shah Rukh Khan, the actor has been away from silver scree for four years now. However, the actor has three films for 2023 release. He will be seen in Sidharth Anand’s much-anticipated Pathaan, co-starring Deepika Padukone and John Abraham. He also has Atlee’s Jawaan and Rajkumar Hirani’s Dunki in his pipeline.