Diljit Dosanjh is currently on his ‘DIL-LUMINATI TOUR’ across India and recently had an epic concert in Kolkata. The videos from his concert have been going viral but when Diljit said the tagline of IPL Team Kolkata Knight Riders, fans loudly cheered for him. He said, “ Karbo, larbo, jeetbo re” at his concert and it means, “we fight and we will win”. He also gave a shoutout to Shah Rukh Khan, who had a heartwarming reaction on X (formerly Twitter).
Shah Rukh Khan reposted Diljit’s video on X and wrote, “Thank you for bringing joy to the City of Joy, @diljitdosanjh Paaji. I’m sure all at @KKRiders and their fans love the Korbo Lorbo Jeetbo reference. All the best and have a great tour…. Love u.”
Thank you for bringing joy to the City of Joy, @diljitdosanjh Paaji. I’m sure all at @KKRiders and their fans love the Korbo Lorbo Jeetbo reference. All the best and have a great tour…. Love u https://t.co/SS9EpJV0Ev
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) December 1, 2024
In the video, Diljot said, “Karbo, larbo, jeetbo re… This is a very good tagline. Is it from the IPL team Kolkata Knight Riders? It’s very nice. And specially, it’s Shah Rukh Khan Sir’s team, so I have to like it. Because I am a fan of Sir. It’s a nice mantra as well. You work hard, fight with yourself. We are supposed to give our 100% no matter we win or not. If you work hard 100%, you will be victorious at any cost. It’s a very good slogan.”
Diljit will next perform in Bengaluru. Earlier, the Telangana government issued a notice demanding Dosanjh to desist from singing songs that contain themes like alcohol, drugs, or violence, also imposing restrictions on the performance including disallowing children to be present on stage. Diljit, at his concert in Hyderabad, called out the Telangana government for their notice.
The notice was issued by the District Welfare Officer in the Department of Welfare of Women and Children, Disabled & Senior Citizens, Rangareddy District.