Actor Sanya Malhotra, who rose to fame with Dangal, has always managed to catch people’s attention with her acting prowess. However, this time, it’s for her personal life, as the actor is reportedly seeing someone. A photo has been going viral on Reddit, which shows Sanya with popular sitarist Rishab Rikhiram Sharma, leading to users speculating their relationship.
Rumours about the potential romance between Sanya and Rishab started swirling after a Reddit user shared snapshots of the two spending quality time together. In one of the telling photos, Sanya and Rishab are seen together as the sitarist takes a picture with an enthusiastic fan. Further fueling speculation, the duo was also spotted attending the same event, posing with the same individual in separate photos. These chance encounters have left fans intrigued, wondering if the pair might be exploring a romantic connection.
Who Is Rishab Rikhiram Sharma?
Sitarist Rishab Rikhiram Sharma is a prodigy of renowned Rikhi Ram family of luthiers in Delhi. He began his musical journey at the age of ten under the guidance of his father, master luthier Sanjay Sharma. His talents soon caught the attention of Sitar Maestro, Pt. Ravi Shankar, who took him under his wing as his youngest and last disciple. This mentorship played a significant role in shaping Rishab’s music career.
Today, Rishab is a trailblazer in his own right. He became the first sitarist to perform solo at the White House, invited by President Biden, First Lady Jill Biden, and VP Kamala Harris for the Diwali event. He has also performed in front of a massive audience of 60,000+ people at the NGR Stadium in Houston, Texas, and 500+ million at-home live viewers.
But Rishab’s impact goes beyond his music. He is a passionate mental health advocate, using his platform to raise awareness and support. His “Sitar For Mental Health” tour has taken him to multiple countries, including India, the USA, Canada, and South America.
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