Sana Khan has welcomed a baby boy with her husband Anas Saiyad. She announced this news on Instagram and also on her YouTube channel. The couple are already loving parents to their son, Saiyad Tariq Jamil.
Announcing the happy news, Sana wrote in the caption, “Allah Taala Ne Har Chiz Mukaddar Me Likhe Hai Waqt Aane Par Allah Usko Atta Karta He Aur Jab Atta Karta He To Jholiya Khushiyon Se Bhar Deta Hai. Happy Parents.”
In her YouTube vlog, Sana talked about her pregnancy and said, “This time, when I announce my pregnancy, I’m in my third trimester, and I am very excited. I thought of sharing a bit in detail as during my first pregnancy, I couldn’t. My body was then going through changes. I had major swelling in my first pregnancy. I had become a hot balloon. There were a lot of difficulties.”
Earlier, while announcing her pregnancy, Sana wrote, “Alhamdullilah. Ya Allah, grant me from Your own (power) a goodly progeny. Verily, You are the One who listens to the prayer. Oh my Allah give us from our spouses and our children comfort of eyes and make us heads of the God- fearing. Only Allah has the power to grant such a gift and reaffirms his responsiveness to sincere prayers. Bless us with a family that is not only abundant in number but also in virtue. May Allah accept our prayers and make it easy on all of us. Beautiful voice by Qari Abdul Aziz Falahi (Devla).”
Sana Khan appeared in several movies and shows before retiring in 2020. She married Anas Saiyad in 2020 and welcomed her first child in 2023.