Samantha Ruth Prabhu, a name that continues to dominate headlines ever since Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala shared the news of their engagement, has shared her first post after the much discussed wedding of her ex-husband Naga Chaitanya and actress Sobhita Dhulipala. Samantha’s social media activity has always been closely followed, and this time is no exception. Fans are eager to decode the meaning behind her latest update.
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The actress reposted a heartfelt story about her sister-in-law, which read, “God, sister-in-laws exist, and I love mine.” that reflects her close bond with her sister-in-law and has further endeared her to fans. The post quickly gained attention because of the ongoing buzz around her personal life. Samantha also took to her Instagram handle and reposted another story, expressing gratitude for her series ‘Citadel, Honey Bunny’ which said, “What a journey! Such an honor to work on Citadel, honey bunny.”