New Delhi: Pooja Hegde is currently shooting for ‘Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan, also starring Salman Khan. The Radhe Shyaram actress opted to spend her 32nd birthday with the cast of her forthcoming film. A video of Salman Khan and Venkatesh Daggubati cutting the cake with the diva and singing “Happy Birthday” song for her on the film’s set has surfaced on social media.
In the video, the birthday girls forces the two stalwarts to eat the cake, and Salman Khan is heard exclaiming, “wonderful, gorgeous.” The makers captioned the video on Twitter, “Wishing the stunning @hegdepooja a very Happy Birthday from the team of #KisiKaBhaiKisiKiJaan.”
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Salman Khan also took to Instagram and shared an unseen picture from Pooja Hegde’s birthday celebrations on the sets. In the image, we can see the actress cutting cake, and both Salman Khan and Venkatesh join her as they stand beside Pooja. “Happy bday @hegdepooja…” he captioned the image.