New Delhi: Salman Khan’s Eid festivities got off to the finest start ever. No, Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan is not the topic at this time. On April 21, the celebrity posted a picture on social media featuring Aamir Khan. It came with a lovely Eid greeting for the audience.
The three Khans who currently control Bollywood are Salman Khan, Shah Rukh Khan, and Amir Khan. The three have a fantastic sense of friendship despite being one another’s age. Eid Al-Fitr, a blessed event, falls on April 21.
Salman Khan shares pictures with Aamir Khan on Eid
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Salman posted a photo with Aamir and wrote, “Chand Mubarak (sic),” to wish fans on the special day.
Eid is set aside for a Salman Khan release, as it has been in recent years. On April 21, Salman’s Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan became a reality, with the exception of the previous year. On its first day, the movie is predicted to make roughly Rs 15 crore. Early predictions indicate that the movie would not break Salman’s previous Eid release records.
Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan
In Kisi Ka Bhai Farhad Samji’s action comedy Kisi Ki Jaan is a good time. Salman Khan, Pooja Hegde, and Venkatesh all appear in it. In Yentamma, Ram Charan makes a notable cameo. In the Biggie, Shehnaaz Gill portrays a character by the name of Sukoon. It is made by Salman Khan Films and promises to include all the action, humour, drama, romance, and emotional components that fans have come to expect from a Salman Khan movie. On April 21, it released in theatres.