In a terrifying incident, Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan was attacked by an intruder who breached the security of his 12th-floor apartment in Mumbai’s affluent Bandra neighborhood. The unfortunate incident, which occurred around 2 am at night, has left the film fraternity and fans stunned and shaken.
Hours after doctors confirmed that Saif is out of danger, his sister and jewellery designer Saba Pataudi, took to Instagram to express her shock and pride in her elder brother’s bravery. “I’m in shock and reeling from this insane incident but proud of you bhaijaan. Taking care of the family and standing tall would make Abba so proud. I am. Get well soon. Missing being there. Will see you soon. Duas and prayers always,” she wrote alongside a photo of Saif and her from childhood days.
Saif’s domestic help was also hurt during the fight and suffered a minor injury to her hand. She was the first to raise an alarm and later filed a police complaint. The police have filed a case against the attacker for attempted murder and robbery. A senior police officer said the suspect ran away using the building’s stairs and was seen on CCTV cameras on the sixth floor. Ten teams are now searching for the attacker.
CM Reacts!
Mumbai’s chief minister Devendra Fadnavis commented on the incident and said, “The police have given all the information. They have shared the motive and from where the intruder has come among other details and the probe is also on. Mumbai is the safest city among all the mega cities in the country. It is true that some incidents took place, which need to be taken seriously and because of them, terming Mumbai as unsafe would be inappropriate. It also tarnishes Mumbai’s image. The government is trying to make it more safe and secure.”
Also Read: Saif Ali Khan Attack Update: First CCTV Video Of The Suspect Out| Watch