Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked at his residence in the early hours of the morning, prompting an intense investigation. CCTV footage from the actor’s Bandra home has revealed that no one entered the premises within the two hours leading up to the assault, which occurred around 2:30 am, according to police sources.
Investigators now suspect that the attacker might have entered the building much earlier and hidden inside, waiting for the right moment to strike. This theory has shifted the focus of the inquiry to identifying how and when the intruder gained access. Officials are combing through earlier CCTV recordings and questioning security personnel to uncover any lapses.
The incident came to light when Saif was rushed to a nearby hospital following the attack. While details about the nature of the injuries have not been disclosed, reports suggest the actor underwent multiple surgeries. His team has assured fans that he is now out of danger and recovering.
The shocking nature of the crime has raised concerns about the security of high-profile individuals in Mumbai. Local authorities are exploring whether the attacker acted alone or was part of a larger plan.
Saif Ali Khan, known for his roles in films like Tanhaji and Sacred Games, has not yet released a statement about the incident. Fans and colleagues from the industry have expressed their shock and sent wishes for his speedy recovery.
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As the police continue their probe, they are urging anyone with information about suspicious activity around the residence to come forward. Enhanced security measures have also reportedly been implemented at the actor’s home to prevent any further incidents.